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I just don’t know how to deal with people who ignore me or choose to avoid me. (I am talking about close relatives that i have to deal with later on in my life as well). For instance my sis in law has been very dominating and I have been a huge suck up. She has been ignoring me lately and she can be like that. But these things stress me out. That’s why I always try to be civil and go after her. But lately I feel disrespected. There is nothing major going on and i don’t know what triggered her actually

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sonal_khangarot
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
8 replies

Maintain boundaries and have less communication. Just be with her when needed. Thats all you can do.


Yes. .I need to learn to set some boundaries. I m really bad at it since a very young age.


I am sure if you do that. It will be alright. In these kind of relationship, it’s best you maintain distance and be with them when needed with love and affection.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sonal_khangarot

Sonal K. @sonal_khangarot

So you can give Nedra Tawwabs Set Boundaries and Find Peace a try . It’s a brilliant read, on the concept of boundaries with ourselves, and others.

Be ready for some intense insights and a step closer to yourself with work.


This helps❤️ I ll definitely give this a try. Thank you.


I am not exactly how you feel. Whenever I have celebration with my family, nobody talk to me not even to say hello. Whenever I go to my uncles house on my aunts house or whoever within my family, nobody says hi to me. And no one asked me how life is going for me or how school is going for me. Nobody. 


one day things will be more easier 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

It sounds like you’re dealing with a challenging situation.
When someone close, like your sister-in-law, starts avoiding or ignoring you, it can be distressing. In such cases, it’s crucial to approach the situation with empathy and open communication.

Consider expressing your feelings to her, letting her know that you value the relationship and are willing to listen if there’s something on her mind. Establishing a dialogue can help uncover any underlying issues and pave the way for resolution.
Psychologist Bhavna Pande


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