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I just don’t know how I feel… I don’t care about anyone around me since 2 3 months. I don’t feel the situation happening around me and I feel so depressed.I started to hate myself. I had a breakup recently and I think that is what has changed me completely.I can’t concentrate on anything and don’t feel interested about anything. I’m not trusting anyone even my mom

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank7296
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank7296

Mayank @mayank7296


well it just nothing,
you yourself make space for you too get some relaxation,
after all these happens when u com out something important as loosing it.
no worry it just consequences of break up and lockdown.
Dont worry figure something which Make you happy and alive.


Facing the same problem. feeling Depressed all the time. and lots of overthinking. try to focus on your carrier just like me. do things which you wanted to do that will make you feel better.


Hey friend. Breakups tend to be messy and impacts us deeply maybe knowingly or unknowingly. It does have an impact on us and the way we function. I do wanna tell you very bold and brave of you for opening up about your feelings.

Having said that what is happening to you is part of the after effects of a breakup. You poured love and trust to one person who u thought would be by you forever but broke u. I would suggest first accepting the part this happened and it is something you will have to handle and live with. It will take alot of time to get over what your feeling months and maybe years. The memories keep hitting you hard and whatever or whoever you see you only feel the pain of what if they will leave you. Try pushing yourself out of this zone your in. It will be very very difficult but just push yourself little steps at a time. Go out with your friends talk to them and it will be very hard but slowly you will adapt.

Talk openly about any feelings you have to those closest to you and be open about it. Dont put yourself with too much thoughts and this will lead to stress and overthinking both which will only hurt you.

Just do know what your going through is natural process and it will take time but i know you got this. Just hold on 🀩


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