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Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings

Dinethra @debesharingfeeli...

I just don’t feel seen, appreciated or even considered. I know not everything revolves around me but it would be nice to be for people to actually see me and genuinely tell me how they feel about me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings
3 replies

I think everyone sees you and appreciates you. You’re just going through a hard time so it’s hard to see that. Thing is sometimes the things you want people to show towards you, they are showing it but they are showing it the best way they know how and that’s not anybody’s fault because there’s no book or manual guide that tells you how to make someone feel appreciated or seen. But also your feelings are valid and it’s ok to feel like that💛 if you wanna talk more just ask me to share my id

Profile picture for Now&Me member @debesharingfeelings

Dinethra @debesharingfeeli...

Yeah you’re right but sometimes it’s hard, especially when your friend group are seeing each other everyday and you’re in a different school. Plus there’s more to it.

Yeah it would be nice to talk about it if you wouldn’t mind.

Doughnut🍩 @taiituuu

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