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i honestly want to cry…my online friend just unblocked me after a week…i want to talk to her but idk if i should message her first or if i should just wait for her to, any ideas??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08
Profile picture for Now&Me member @introvertnambiar
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08

Sneha Anand @sneha08

Why did she block you in the first place?


there were alot of reasons, im honestly not sure too well, i think she felt bad about the way she was treating me, thats what one of our mutual friends said

Profile picture for Now&Me member @introvertnambiar

Shruti Nambiar @introvertn...

Just rip off the band aid and see what happens. There are gonna be two consequences
Either she will say she doesn’t want to talk or she will say that she missed you too.
So instead of putting ur focus on she might avoid you. Think what if she too missed you?
Jo just go out there a drop a Hi.


I guess you should wait because you still don’t know why did she unblocked what are her thoughts


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