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I haven’t talked to anyone in the last 3 months. I think I am going crazy. Can someone talk with me? Like literally about anything. I need to speak with someone.

6 replies

What’s up??
Do you wanna share how you are feeling today or what is going on in your head?


Absolutely no idea. It seems like everyone has given up on me. Isn’t the people who love you supposed to be with you when you are at your worst?


Exactly my thoughts!!

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No, I don’t have any. I mean, I live alone, I do have colleagues from work. But whenever I feel like talking to someone on a humane level, I got nothing. Today I went through my phone, looked at my contacts and not a single name popped out with whom I could talk. Not one. It just made me so goddamn sad and angry that how fucking alone I am.

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