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Bipolar DisorderThought


I haven’t been taking my meds. It has been over a month and I have not taken them. I started to feel shitty a week after and now it’s been over three weeks and I am starting to feel more and more tired. I do not know why I stopped taking them, but I do know that after I have an appointment with a psychiatrist I am going to get back on them and try to take care of myself. It’s been a while since I have said, “I want to take care of myself”. It all started really when I went to the dentist for the first time after two years and they told me my teeth are all sorts of fucked and that might have to pay over $1,500 just to get them fixed. My mental and physical health are all warped and I want to fix it before I start having other things, such as grad school. affect me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_dark
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_dark

.x. @lost_dark

Hi take your meds please:)


I think it’s veryyyyy easy to say or advice stuff. Even if i tell u to do what is right u already know the answer for what is right.
it’s just that our sturggles are unique to ourselves and this has to be acknowledged This OVERWHELMING feeling just hovers on . You know you are precious to yourself.
I have same issues and sometimes I feel the same. And i have just ranted my heart out anonymously and i don’t hate myself that much now…


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