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I have this new issue with me. I feel disgusted in my own skin. I feel dirty. I do have good hygiene it’s not that, it’s just I don’t know I feel disgusted with how I feel, what I do, how I eat, my lifestyle and my life. Whatever I do I feel disgusted by it. I don’t know why this is happening because I feel very comfortable with myself but I don’t know this is so weird. I have to shower every day even if I’m not dirty, I have to shower because otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep or function during the day. Like what the fuck why is this a thing with me? I do my skin cares, I do shower, I do my bed, my room. Like I have a good environment but what is it that bothers me? Am I going crazy or what?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhara
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhara

First of all, I really don’t know if anybody has told this to you but I’m so proud of you! You’re an absolutely beautiful human, which is being reflected clearly while reading your text. I suppose, that you’re so pure inside-out that you just want to be legit honest with your own self about everything. And that’s a super rare & awesome quality found in people nowadays. All you are lacking currently is self-love. Start falling in love with yourself, sweetie. When it is so possible for me to adore you even when I don’t know you personally. Why is it not possible for you to appreciate yourself? I would suggest, you should go through the “SELF AFFIRMATIONS” phrases. Right after waking up & just before going to bed read them aloud. You may get these affirmations in the form of audio as well in YouTube. Also, appreciate yourself for the little things. Gift yourself for every achievement. Whether it is waking up early, finishing an assignment on time, eating healthy, working out. NO ACHIEVEMENT IS SMALL HONEY! Keep rewarding yourself for every little step you make forward. Thank yourself for being such a beautiful human. Spend time with nature & animals. You are worthy! More Power To You! Smile? :)♡


First of all I just want to say bless you and your family for having you and thank you god for your time writing that to me. That was pure heart relief. I had the worst year ever and I’m going through a very long and dark path right now and I’m trying to get myself through it everyday even if it’s extremely hard and have caused me health problems. But I’m awarding myself everyday with small things and trying to be proud of the small things I do during my day. Is just that I haven’t been having just one good day. I just want one good day. But everyday I experience fake people, harsh things were people just leave me for no reason and it hurts to see all your friends walk away from you. I try to ignore it and focus on me but it’s so hard. Today actually now while reading your text made me just cry and relief my heart because I’m so tired to act like I don’t care when I really do. But I have to act because I have no stamina to actually go and confront them like I have always confronted people and there’s no improvement it just brings more drama and I can’t with that no more. Everything is just frustrating and painful. Your text was so beautiful thank you so much. I really do appreciate it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhara

I’m glad enough to receive your blessings. That’s so sweet of you. Also, to be really honest, I can completely relate to you over this context. I’ve been going through the same from last one year. I constantly have disputes with my family. I literally have any friends now to speak out & that is the reason I’m here on this website. But, We all know that life is full of ups & downs. Perhaps, this is an opportunity for you to prioritize yourself, go deep inside & find the best version of yourself. Also, don’t forget that, THINGS GET WORSE & LIFE GETS REALLY HARD RIGHT BRFORE YOU TRANSITION. You’re the superhero of your life! Conquer all of this. Be there for yourself because at the end it’s just you! One day you’ll reach that level of self-sufficiency that you won’t need anyone for validation. And, trust me that day ain’t far away. & I’m sure just few more days and everything will be fine. You’ll step out, meet new people, explore. Trust me, you’ll meet a bunch of real & genuine people who will love you & will never fake themselves. The right ones will never make you feel this way. & if they are not the right one, just remove them out of your beautiful life. Take a deep breath, drink some water & smile. Sending you positive energies, superhero! ♡


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