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I have this close guy friend that I think im attracted to but I dont rlly wanna ruin us as friends but hes soooooooooooooo nice 🤡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @troubled
8 replies

Do he gives you hints?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @troubled

I cant- @troubled

Im not rlly sure but I dont think so?


Try flirting with him you’ll know if he’s interested or not

Profile picture for Now&Me member @troubled

I cant- @troubled

I- Im not really an expert at flirting how exactly?


You don’t have to be an expert in it. Just try saying some romantic lines or love liens and see his reaction.


Hi. Just be honest - let him know how you are feeling. Just let him know, hey I think I want to see if we can make a go but when YOU are ready. Maybe he won’t run! If he does, then give him some time and one day just text him saying its okay, you understand and hopefully you will feel that way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @troubled

I cant- @troubled

I think Ill try this thanksss


Listen!!! take space from him, get over your feelings asap or you will lose him. Or do my mistake and shout your shot and see if he has the same interest. But I will inform you that if he doesn’t feel the same to you, he will leave.


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