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I have the perfect life one could envision for. But the fact that I can’t seem to appriciate the love of my boyfriend bothers me the most. The constant thought that he’s not the one I should be with terrifies me. He’s so loving and caring yet here I am not being able to love him and scared to hurt him coz he’s a good man.
Ps: I think I need to see a therapist. Maybe!?

10 replies

I am having same thoughts. I too think that the person I am with right now is not the right one for me. After having conversation with him I think he is not right for me. He can’t give me what I desire. It will be a compromise. I will let him know tomorrow that I don’t want to continue this relationship.


I hope may you get your desires… All the best!


Sorry I was just frustrated. He was good for a week. Now all he talks albout is physical relationship.


If you’re not comfortable and not ready then clear that out with your partner. Don’t do anything that’ll lead you to regret later.


Yeah… He promises alot, but today he was just on another level. I couldn’t handle it so I stopped talking to him midway.

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Just clear your boundaries and if your partner keeps on overstepping them then end the relationship… No relation worth more than yourself!
Ps: sorry if I sound rude!


No I think you are right.


What happened

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