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I have something to vent out. I dont how others will see it but i just feel like venting out. So, it was 2019, after Diwali , i recived a notification , it was my instagram , i saw some guy had sent me a message saying you have great aesthetic. My account was public during that time. So, thats how he could see my profile. When i first saw that message i was like okay thats nice of someone to say that. 2-3 days later , i responded by saying Thankyou. Then he asked if we could be friends . i was like okay yaa sure. so then we started talking. we would almost talk like everyday since then . he lived in a different city . when i saw his profile , it was like okay , decent profile. over the period of time i got to know that he was somewhat a shy person and that he didnt opened up too much . he was still not over his ex gf like they broke up 2-3 yrs back. if at this point you think that i liked him liked him , then noo not at all. it was just that we became good friends eventually . he at times would just get lost like he wont reply to my texts for days and when i would ask him what happened then he would say i was feeling low therefore i wasnt available much . i was like okayy , happens at times ,everyone has different ways of coping with their problems. once we were talking and he asked if i had done sexting with anyone before , so i was like nope. i wasnt really up to do sexting with him because come on youre my friend how can i talk to you like that . Plus i personally am not really a big fan of this thing. Yet , he kept saying that nothing will happen , its not something bad or anything. and i was like okay maybe for once its fine. So, after some time some argument kinda thing happened , i was angry , i was like i dont wanna talk to you . And it was the day before his last exam (he was reappearing for a college exam for which he had failed previously in) . After some time when we talked and i got to know that that exam of his didnt go well coz of the argument and all. i felt bad , coz somehow due to me his mind was diverted and didnt perform nicely. To be very honest i did used to feel happy talking to him. We used to talk on n off . at the beggining of this lockdown 2020 i found him a bit wierd he used to go off from phone for days , n i was genuinely concerned that whats wrong ,i was like talk it out , seek some help. Later he said his mom n sister had got covid so he was busy in taking care of that n everything . but this phase of getting off from phone , not responding to texts dosent stop. i for once told him that listen i care about you , i have got attached to you , so dont get lost like this every month for few days. if you are going through depression or anxitey than maybe get some professional help.
Now , to all this i have a point of view that no guy would ever just randomly slide into my DM and just want to be friends . All guys want is more than friendship . i dont even know if this guy is true to what i think. There could be many things i dont know coz i have never met him , we live in different cities

So, there was this time when we were talking on phone and i decied to tell him , that i dont wanna talk to you, i wanna end this friendship .

few days back he texted me on whatsapp , saying nice dp , i was shocked for a moment as to how , why did he even text me . he texted at night time , so i thought maybe this guy has no one else to do sexting with , so now he freaking comes back to me . So, i didnt replied back, i was like im not gonna reply back . i did hold my self for 2-3 days but then i was like i wanna see what this guy has to say . so i said thankyou . then he tried to ask to give our friendship another shot . now me being me , who couldnt go a day without thinking about him(maybe i have a tiny bit of crush on him), said okay lets see where does it go.
then 2 days later he started sexting n i was like no no no , i am not doing sexting with you , i dont like this concept and no im not gonna do it . so then he was like okay. then we talked like for 2-3 days and now he hasnt replied to my last text .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shikharchaurasiya
10 replies

Dont text that guy ever again!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shikharchaurasiya

Shikhar @shikharchaurasiya

Okay, so that’s all the qualities of a creep
Stay safe form such people, internet is full of such RAANJHANAS full of lies…
Belive me, if you ask any guy friend of your’s, he would also say the same.
How you reacted just retraced your empathy but what that boy asked obviously creep.
Stay safe and Have a nice day


Just ask this do you think is this friendship worth so much stress, leave it where it is and move on . This not at all friendship.
There are more genuine people out there
Move on and don’t look for closure anymore


So, then what do i do ? Should i block his number ?


If his number unblocked messes up with your mind and any message from him cost your peace of mind. Block it


Hey tbh I don’t think you should be talking to him I kinda feel that there is something fishy.


Babe, all he want to do is sexchat with you. I have a crush and he does the same thing every now and then. He isn’t concerned about you like you are. Maybe he is genuinely busy or maybe he only texts you when he is bored. Prioritise yourself. I am also a girl, who have made a lot of online friends but don’t count on everyone if possible anyone. I won’t say stop talking with him or something like banning you from him. But don’t just do things you don’t like to please other person. Life will be okay without that person aswell. I hope you will be fine soon ! 🌸🤍


Even i think that maybe all he wanted ever was to do sexting , all that getting to know each other and random conversations was just like this


Infact when i told him that i am concered about you and that im attached to you, he was like please dont get so much attached to me coz i might hurt you unknowingly
Does this make any sense to you?


Yes it makes a sense… you know he is not a bad person indeed it’s just that he isn’t emotionally attached to you. That’s why he doesn’t want you to get attached as well. But then his desires make him do things like showing fake concern and saying things he doesn’t mean at most.


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