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Profile picture for Now&Me member @hellllllnoooo

I have some really good anixety . I just can’t stop thinking about it . Don’t know what to do !!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hellllllnoooo
2 replies

You can try drinking really cold water, also walk barefoot if you can on grass or cold floor. Also, take a cold shower, anxiety gets the best of us, but we can try to take it one step at a time, try to eat something sour, lime, oranges, tangerines, eat ice also helps.
Try to feel where you are, like your clothes touching your skin, if you are sitting, feel the chair below you.

Also try smells, if you have like essential oils or a candle.
Talk it out, do not bottle it up. Find someone safe, just to vent. It helps a lot.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hellllllnoooo

Thank you it helped ☺️


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