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Profile picture for Now&Me member @baluga17

Why does your school do checks? What will happen when they check?
Ask for it to be done privately in the first instance. Then take the advise you get given.

Leaf cubic @shuba

Idk what will happen when they do checks ill try to ask for it to be public thank you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baluga17

Sorry to ask you this but it doesn’t happen in my school so I genuinely don’t know.
First, ask for privacy.
Second, tell an adult, whom will come to know during the check. Buddy, share this secret with even one adult as the burden is too much for you to carry…
Third, take any help that is offered, you need to talk and get help to heal inside and out. Be brave and if one thing doesn’t help try another one. But keep trying buddy. 🌟🌟🌟

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baluga17

Also the school will call your carers…

Leaf cubic @shuba

Thank you!!


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