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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I have no idea what am doing rn
It’s like my body and mind goes paralysed when i think of doing a task
Let it be studying for my boards which are coming up which I haven’t started with the portion with or let it just be getting out of bed to go to the bathroom
I just can’t, my body isn’t even listening to me
I am on my periods and I haven’t changed my pad in 24 hours and still I don’t feel like getting up
I feel guilty for not studying rn and wasting time but when i do sit to study , I don’t understand anything and then i give up in a few mins and just waste time daydreaming and crying and overthinking
I am for sure gonna fail my 12th cause I seriously haven’t even studied a single chapter yet and even my basics isn’t clear , idk what’s wrong with me but i didn’t even attend my prelims on purpose and I didn’t even care , my books are incomplete and haven’t been signed
I just feel like there’s no way out now and that i am gonna fail no matter how gard i try now cause it’s too late
I just feel like going and killing myself cause I don’t even see myself in the future , i have no idea what am gonna do in the future, am such a big failure

15 replies

Hey you are a strong girl mate you can achieve things please don’t feel that way


I really don’t think so , i feel so weak rn , I can’t even get up from the bed… how am o strong?


What subjects do you have? I can guide you.


Pcmb with french
All subjects untouched


Why did you take both bio and maths… just asking? Which is strong for you ? Maths or bio?




Could it be that you might be experiencing a panic attack? Sometimes that happens. 


How can that be a panic attack?

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Your motivation is your responsibility and expectations of your family, I don’t have a good relationship with my family infact i live alone rn away from them and they don’t have any expectations from me and already consider me as a failure
My mom has said that she regrets giving me birth because since i was born i brought a lot of problems and family issues arrived which broke our family apart.
With all that studying is just not possible for me
I am a few steps away from killing myself or dailing 1098 or even going to the police, having anxiety attacks everyday and not being able to even breathe sometimes. I just don’t wanna deal with anything
I don’t have the will to live and studies are way far ahead of that…

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Thanks… idk why but i just vented above in this post’s comment and now reading your para made me feel calm , i have pcmb with french and i have to submit my health and physical education book on 1st


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