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I have my little cousin over for this week to babysit her and I am starting the more she is here the more sadder and angrier I become. My parents don’t even talk to me that much like they used to do. And that little bit## is so annoying always asking why and why and arguing. Like shut up. I know I feel jealousy but I feel like my parents spend more and more time with her but none with me. Like i am there biological child. They didn’t even say goodmorning to me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tanu_shree
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tanu_shree

Tan3 @tanu_shree

Thts what some paret are like
Others child is always best
And toddlers are like
I know they are annoying but it’s their nature
Evry child is same
A blackhole tht inhale all ur energy


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