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I have my exam today. But i am not nervous for that (benefits of online exams).
My boyfriend is really busy with life and that is affecting me a lot. I dont show it to him, but not talking to him makes me sad.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
3 replies

GOOD LUCK!!! You’ve got this, i have complete faith in you. Ace that exam mate!
Maybe tell him that you’re missing him? Hopefully he’ll talk to you more :) try to set aside some time to be together everyday day or every few days

Tanya Singh @dbtanya01


Even I have my exams from next week and I’m hella chill. Perks of having online exams. I wish you all the best! Rock it!

I think you should talk to your boyfriend about how you feel, how you are and what you have been going through. Just tell him and I think you will feel much better. It takes 2 people to work on a relationship with equal efforts. You both should sit, talk, console each other and come to a solution.

You have to understand that with growing age people get busy to make their careers, achieving their goals. You both should talk and come to a solution that is suitable for both of you. Maybe fix a time every day where you both give each other your full attention. Talk to him about how you feel and you both will definitely find a solution.

All the best!
Take Care!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj


Hey, I totally get you and I totally understand that we all crave romantic attention from our patners! Maybe give him some time and support him in this tough phase and you can take that amount of time to focus on yourself as well!

This is maybe just a phase that is going on, relationships constantly go through ups and downs!

Have faith in your connection!


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