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Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

I have my entrance exam for bio and chem on april 22… with a 0 chem knowledge I mean 0 then I have boards practicals model that ive failed I dont feel good enough because I can get myself to do anything but study:( I absolutely hate constantly talking about it to ppl but thats what I do most of the time and since Im not doing my work Im frustrated overly sensitive and just very super sad but Im also not doing anything and the breakup is not helping at all I know I talk about him a lot! and I dont want him back but I JUST DONT FEEL like Im enough not academically clearly and otherwise tooo which I know is not true but presently is very hard to believe and Im just in a loop where Im finding more and more things that I dont like about me. And also the added stress that the world might actually end is making me soooo fucking anxious

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity
10 replies

Navneeth @navneeth


I think you have ample time to prepare for your entrance exam …and what entrance are you appearing for ?.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...


its uni for medicine

Navneeth @navneeth


In which country are you planning to do medicine ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...



Navneeth @navneeth


Things aren’t gonna be easy when you start being an adult … it’s gonna be very difficult …there is soo much to learn about yourself and how to deal with life in general …even passing through a single day can be soo frustrating …but we don’t have control over them …but all we can do it try harder at doing the things which we think are gonna be worthy of our effort and time …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...


dudeee THE MANS NOT WORTH MY TIME I KNOW wbut I cant get him off my mind I dont knowwwwwww why its only been 2 weeks… and I blocked him all I do all day is scroll on tiktok and wake up late like I dont even fucking eat on time

Navneeth @navneeth


I kinda get you … it’s very difficult to get over someone who you were really close …and sometimes it hurts so much that you just feel lost and you feel like doing nothing .You just spend so much time overthinking about that person .But you have to understand one thing all these feelings are fleeting they don’t last forever . It’s gonna take some time to get rid of those feelings .But you are gonna get it out of your mind pretty soon .But now you have to learn for your entrance exam …and I think that’s something that you have been wanting to do ,so I think you should just start taking of yourself more seriously and start believing that now it’s time to keep yourself as a priority …and just keep working .I know it’s hard ,but just find ways to distract yourself from overthinking about what had went wrong …It can be done .Just believe in yourself πŸ™ƒ

Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...


this helps thansk easier said than done when Im drowning in tears but Im trying my best to get him out of my mind
its not working like is there a step by step guide… he kept texting me after the breakup like random shit. and I blocked him like he wants to be friends and what not smh Im just mentally drained with all the he wants me he wants me not bs

Navneeth @navneeth


There is no stepwise method to get through a breakup …but you are gonna be okay soon I promise .You are gonna meet new people and have soo much of amazing moments in the life to come …so just believe that things are be okay …and it’s going to be .and all the best for your exams πŸ™‚

Navneeth @navneeth


Life is just soo strange… it’s stranger than fiction and happiness ,sadness coexist …so you have to feel all of them to experience life .So I think you are gonna be just fine … it’s just a phase !


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