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I have my birthday tomorrow but I feel like dying and ending my life. Even when I have people around me I feel that m all alone. This anxiety is eating me from inside. I want to run away from everything but I am tired…tired of myself. I have been trusting and loving humans but now I feel cheated. I am hurt and broken and I want to mend myself but m tired now. Asking for help seems to be an option but nothing nd noone is able to help me now. I am drowning and maybe I have decided to drown now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ishitasingla
13 replies

Hey buddy
I’m here
What happened why are you so sad


Hey girl you’re a strong and amazing person ❤️ See I do understand your situation but not everyone comes to our life to stay forever 🙃 friends leaving,break up patch up it’s just part of life… so don’t think about it and move on from it… try to socialise and talk to other people I know after loosing people it’s hard to trust but take your time and talk … make more friends and yes happy birthday in advance ishita ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ishitasingla

I never feared of losing anyone and even loving anyone. But now I am unable to push myself for anyone, not even for myself. I have been working as a social worker from past 4 years. I have people to rely on but I still feel lonely.


so is it because you expect a lot from them?


Heyy…would u like to open up to me?
Im all ears…i wish i could give u a hug rn and say its gonna be alright
Its ur day tomorrow. Arent u excited! Actually each and every day is…if u realise were all in this world for a reason.
To write our story and inspire people around. Were all gems uk that! And why would a gem like u say things about ending life. Shine on buddy…just shine!
Here for u ❤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ishitasingla

I thought I could help people without expecting anything. I kept building myself with this expectation and people kept crumbling me. The world that seemed to be a magical place before…has changed to hell now. People have been using me…taking me for granted. I am upset from everyone and have alot of questions for them. But I still cannot blame because I blame myself


Why blame urself?! Theres a BIG mistake. When people give u shit in return for the good u do, how are u even to be blamed!
Theyre supposed to be ashamed of themselves. Theyre the ones who proved themselves fools NOT YOU GIRL. Let them keep theyre bullshit with them. U are supposed to look in the mirror and appreciate for the person u have grown up to be.
Give urself a pat for not being like those. We need people like u more. Please dont look down upon urself. Know ur self worth. Respect urself for who u are. It hurts to see when people like u blame themselves for the shit they get from others. U dare allow them to take ur shine! Ur deserve it.

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Bdw happy birthday @ishitasingla

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

You feel depressed because you fear that you have lost your source of happiness.
Heal that sense of fear so your depression, and anxiety disappear. It’s simple.
You have to do some inner work.
Find out the last time you were happy for a sustained time. When life was easy-going and peaceful. Then find out the event which changed all that.
Was it a major tragedy in your life? Did someone die? Did you lose someone close to you?

Write your thoughts in a journal. Write freely, and shut down your editor. Ask questions. Once you find out what that assumed source of happiness was, a sensation of fear will pop up.
You may not have processed this when that event happened. It’s now repressed inside and is causing you misery.

To handle this fear, allow it to come up. Then let go of resisting and labeling it as good or bad. Let it be there, and it will run out its course. Stop identifying with the accompanying thoughts, they are endless and are a mere projection of the underlying feelings. They are bodily sensations. Remember these thoughts, and feelings are not personal. We inherit it from our ancestors and the conditioning of society.
If you can’t do that, then stop fearing, the feeling of fear itself. It’s a clever trick that works in handling fear.

Another way to get out of depression, and anxiety is to set an intention for yourself. Say that you intend to be loving, have a happy and effective life.

Finally, whenever you feel feelings of apathy or any negative feelings, let go of the secret pleasure you get out of it.
Feeling like a victim isn’t useful at all. Unless you are a baby, and can’t conversate with your parent to ask for help.

See, it doesn’t solve anything. So whenever you catch yourself feeling negative, ask yourself, “What’s the purpose of this?” and stop enjoying the grim satisfaction you get out of it. We like to feel good being martyrs, victims, and poor little things.
Choose love over fear. Be kind to your thoughts, and feelings, no matter what.
Self-love is the way out of this.

See if any of these tips work for you. Give it a shot. Experiment.

Goodluck :)


Happy birthday Ishita!
Wish you loads of happiness and love now and forever.
You seemed to be an angel working as a social worker. You must have seen so many sad stories. It must have been heartbreaking na?
I can’t imagine seeing so much pain in the world and stay happy at the same time.

But girl you need to do some self love too. Please don’t drown… this world needs people like you. You can seek help for depression and anxiety. I took meds for 2 years and now I try to maintain routine, write journals and I help people only when they ask for it.
All this didn’t happen all of a sudden. It took lot of practice but today I am sure that I don’t let myself drown. Yes there are days when it gets too much… those days I just relax and sleep or watch movies.
I pray for you sweetheart! 🤗🤗


Happy birthday @ishitasingla ,
& There is something in Hindi
रख हौसला वो मंजर भी आएगा,
प्यासे के पास चलकर समंदर भी आएगा, थक कर ना बैठ मंजिल के मुसाफिर, मंजिल भी मिलेगी और जीने का मजा भी आएगा.


Why Don’t you set Daily small task for yourself and having a positive approach turn your actions into results and those Results will give you Satisfaction . Like there is No Homes or Availability of Water of Birds so Arranging that or it could be Anything …As much you keep busy in yourself it wil give you feels there is change in inner Engineering .
Always remember … अभी-अभी तो दौडना सीखा है ,अभी तो आसमान की ऊंचाइयां बाकी है ।


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