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3am ThoughtsThought


I have made few connections in this app. But some of them acts like a serious bond is being created between us. I didn’t want anything serious or to go further connections with the people i meet here. It actually becomes difficult for me when they act soo clingy and wants attention all the time. I felt like they are asking for a permanent relationship which would never end. That’s not the case for me. I just want a casual frndship where we could help each other whenever we want. But this thing is going out of hand. It’s like i have to spend my wholesale time talking to them. It’s humiliating for me bcz i don’t want to hurt them but neither want to exhaust me. In my case it’s all dudes who act clingy. But there are some people too who are understanding and takes it easy. But i wanna ask rest of guys why do u always want attention?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
23 replies



No not always

Billionaire @brisk_animal

Same bro. Dudes msg me thinking that I’m a girl and then when I say I’m a boy, act very friendly and keep on messaging me saying that i want to improve my communication skills, and expect me to be there all the time.


Ikr. Sigh!


Unfortunately They ruin things for guys who just want a genuine non clingy friendship.


I hope it won’t ruin when you keep a casual convo without crossing the line.


To me company matters at this point in my life.
Just a casual friendship would do.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

Lol this exact same thing has happened with me a couple of times now


I get u girl. People here taking things for granted! And when we don’t act as they want, turns to us and manipulate it as our fault.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

Exactly!!! They be like-- “you only come to us when you’re bored” ok yes I do, so what?? I honestly don’t get what’s so wrong with that. Like there was this one guy, we were having a convo and then at the end he replied with “Ah, okay” and I thought the conversation ended there, right?? Guess I was wrong. He wanted a reply to even that “Ah okay”, like what was I supposed to reply to that?? And then he made a big deal out of that one thing and then out of anger I just said to him ki itni problem hai to just stop talking with me, and then he stopped messaging me even since. And no, I don’t regret not decision at all. (btw sorry for this long para, I didn’t expect myself that I’ll write such a long paragraph)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

*my decision at all


Ikr! Lol at this point i think every guys r the same. There was this dude who would ask me each time what i do, how i do and when i answer it he would then goes like why I’m not asking him the same question. Literally like he made me ask what he wants. When this went out of control i blocked him but he didn’t give up and kept on chasing me from different accounts. Like stalking. Uggh i don’t even want to talk about him.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

I guess you are seeking conclusion based on conversation from few people here…for the attention part, it works both ways…anyways good luck and be happy. Its a transactional conversation here…should work both ways.


What u mean by ‘both ways’?


Guys in here are too much to handle🤯

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You hope so? I think any girl who read this post will understand for sure that I’m a girl too.

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Guess what someone here is crying for attention

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Its not about relationship, just being a friend here and then taking ourselfs for granted.

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