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Physical HealthThought

Deepanshu @deepanshu

I have had psoriasis for 10 years now. I have been very depressed my entire life, which I think caused it. I doubt trusting people. This world is like hell to me.

3 replies

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

Please don’t perceive the world that day! I am sorry you have to go through something like this and it is very brave of you to share this. But changing your perception is the best way of changing how you feel! You need to view things in a better light and you will start noticing better things

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra

Hi , i know what it feels like to be suffering from psoriasis. I am also suffering from psoriasis for 5 years . It started in 9th standard and right now i am in 1st year in college. I know its really hard and tiring meeting doctors weekly but you that still doesn’t mean that i am going to give up and the same goes for you . I know it feels when its feels when you not able to dress the way want , when you are sacred of being judgedso you hide your skin as much as you want, when you itchy in whole body and the whole is in severe and the thing that you can do is cry . But still , you have to work hard and it do effects you physically but you have to try hard to not to let it effect you mentally. Your life is much more than this disease .your life doesn’t ends hee . If you are scared of being judged that work hard so that no one have the guts to judge u . Stay Strong and near those people with whom you feels uncomfortable. Stay away from the friends whom you can’t trust , they will only bring negativity . Stay near those who makes you happy and makes you feel like you are worth it . You mom will always be there for u . You are not alone , there are a lot of people who cares about u , u just have to take a step back and take a look at everything. Smile , it helps the stress and love yourself bc you are only one who can be you ?


I am so sorry that you have gone through so much in your life, wish that people were more kind and accepting of each other. Even I have an auto-immune disease since 16 years which cannot be cured. But at a very young age, I learnt to accept it. I don’t let it define me. My friends say that I am the most positive and optimistic person they know even after going through a lot in life! The secret behind that is loving myself wholly, accepting myself no matter what people say/think. Life is much more than that. It’s about the experiences you have and the connections that you make (specially the one with yourself)
All the best and take care xx


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