Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I have had a hard 3 days. Not one of my family have asked if I’m ok when it’s obvious I’m not. They all assume I’m mad at someone so just avoid me. I don’t know how to cope with my own feelings so how can I expect them to try? I feel so low.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aragni
2 replies

Hey, just calm down… It sometimes happens to you when you have no one whom u could express things to… Trust me u r gonna be fine… This too shall pass… I m there for u… Let me know more about it so i can help🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aragni

niti agti @aragni

The first step always is to sit and breathe. Just pick one person in family and try and convey ur feelings to them. If not then write ur thoughts. U will get some clarity. Talk to ur friends. Share ur feelings. U will feel better. And most importantly if u are not feeling physically well just go for a doctor. Plz. Its most important


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