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3am ThoughtsThought


I have friends but i feel they don’t give me the same priority i give them and I’m tired of making new friends. I’m just confused to the point that i don’t understand.
Am i doing anything wrong that they don’t consider me or I’m just a narcissistic person

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chef_tj_1433
Profile picture for Now&Me member @orangeshoes
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chef_tj_1433

If you don’t mind can we talk?




Text me then

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chef_tj_1433

This is my id

Profile picture for Now&Me member @orangeshoes

Dev @orangeshoes

It helps to limit your efforts if it hurts you when your expectations aren’t met, ideally you should only do as much, that you don’t expect anything in return.


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