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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovely_boy2

Ginni @lovely_boy2

I have forgotten how happiness used to feel like. I can’t remember the last time I was absolutely happy without a care in the world.
How does happiness feel like?

5 replies

depends on what u define happiness as

Deepika @believer_0039

What happened?
Make friends,do something good for the person closest to you but you didn’t realisedhe or she is important, help those in need,educate homeless kids,help them to find a better future. That may help,I guess.

Deepika @believer_0039

After a time happiness is all about making others smile.


It’s somewhat between not wanting the day to end or being satisfied if you die tomorrow


It’s somewhat between not wanting the day to end or being satisfied with not waking up next day.


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