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I have fallen in love to a co-worker of mine. And I had my feelings known to her - and she reacted fine. Planned on a date, but ghosted me, then later find out that she was (is still) going through a lot. I gave her time for her to get things situated. Then, one day, she asked me to go get some McDonalds with her. And we did. We chatted, talked about past and how we became who we are today. It was great. Then, she had to cut it short cause she has to meet someone else. Then, days goes on, she quit her job without telling me… awesome… then I messaged her if she had lost interest in dating me. And she replied that she is going through a lot and that she cared about me.

And now, I am questioning if I should move on. Or wait for her to be ready. And, I sound like a needy person right now, which I don’t want to be. And I do feel that there is Chemistry between us. It seems like she’s not interested at all, then the next day she is, and only saying those words just to mess with me or something. I don’t know. My judgement on the situation is clouded with love and ignorance about this stuff.

And last night, I dreamt of her introducing me to her family and friends. I remember being nervous, anxious, and scared in the dream. But, then felt relief and happiness after seeing her family accepting me and happy for her to be with me (as so am I in that dream), and more importantly her accepting and being with me with the warmest of hugs, that even now, I still remember my cheek touching her cheek, feeling her warmth move across my body made me think and believe that she’s the one. The strawberry on a cake. I don’t know what this dream means, but I would love see the dream become a reality.

Now, I really don’t know if I should wait for her to be ready. I want to be hopeful about it, I really do. But, reality is such a bit*h lol that maybe I’m putting my expectation for her beyond her, or just simply, she don’t wanna be with me and been giving me hints that she’s not interested and just don’t wanna say it to my face cause she don’t wanna hurt me or somethin. I’m lost right now and I fear that I may hurt myself unknowingly because of this. Damn you hormones! ;-;

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ds37512
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shalloman42
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Rather than making everything complicated between you and her, its best to CONFRONT and see what happens. Rather than waiting for a whole lot of time you should say to her that ‘Hey, lets talk and sort everything out’.

If she accepts it then its good because you would have a clarity, if no then you know your answer very well. Thinking about this again and again makes no sense and one shouldn’t waste their time on one person their whole time.
Go ahead and talk because communication is everything my friend :).


I’m gonna try it. And see what will happens. For the better or for the worse. It’ll give us both reasons and some clarity to move on. Who knows, maybe she’ll just ghost me entirely - which im prepared to accept. Either or, whatever is bound to happen, it is what it is.


Thank you for the reply as well. Have a good one!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Yes. It’ll be in your best interest only. You both will know that, is there any spark left or both have something else important in their life.

You’re most welcome! :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ds37512

Divya Singh @ds37512

I’m glad you posted this. At least you are aware of what you feel, and that is a milestone. Thing is, human beings are complex creatures. We have a thousand thoughts in our heads per second, so, how can anyone ever figure out what the other person wants unless the other person is aware of the same? The person you have feelings for herself isn’t aware of what the best choice would be. She herself isn’t able to see a solution. And that’s why you are not. When we know someone, and have feelings for them, their reactions to situations highly influence us. Right now, you have two options, either to stick with her and the turbulence, or to move on. Both are extremely difficult and if you want to make a choice from them, you’d end up being even more confused. So, give it a good try first. Try making her understand your thought process, try making her feel that by being with you she’d only feel better and not worse. Try making her see a relationship worth something. If then things work out, great. But if they don’t, then my dear, you move on. Life is beautiful and it’s worth loving everything, people, plants, animals, yourself. Invest your energy accordingly. By move on I don’t mean stop loving her. I simply mean, shift your energy on something else, then something else. Enjoy loving other things, other people. If she is meant to be, someday, there will be mutual love and the kind of relationship you wanted. And if she isn’t, life will guide you to who is.


Thank you. Especially about the part that I could/should impact her positively instead negatively.


Ask yourself if it is about her only or is it you are longing for a companion, to be loved be important and appreciated by someone… If it is second then may be you are not able to find someone else and expecting if she can make u feel all that…

Try to fall in love with yourself and see if u actually deserve what she is doing to u…if u were her and liked some one will u not take a minute to tell I m leaving this work place forever and won’t be around even if u are not sure about dating them but may b as a friend

Olivia @honestly

its a waste spending time on people who are just not sure or ready so if your’e ready for something real comment @ honestly.😀

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shalloman42

Gelo @shalloman42

@honestly 😃


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