Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Catherine @khal

I have been trying soo hard, soo hard to wakup from bed, soo hard to fall asleep.
My racing thoughts never let my brain shutdown. It was 3 am first the 4am then now its 7am.
I have tried to sleep early soo much, i would try meditation, i would close my eyes and stayy in bed. Still its hard to let go, hard to shutdown.
I spend most of my day in bed and get up after 5pm.
I skipp gym, i skip food i skip everything.
I am soo tired of myself. My life. My brain that just wont let me be happy

1 reply

Aviva @mylancholy


Hey I love you. I know it’s hard but please take care of yourself.


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