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I have been so depressed and anxious, I can’t get up to go to school in the morning and I’m behind in work I’m already going to fail this year. My parents keep getting mad at me and yell, I’ve tried telling them how I’m feeling but it’s always “okay.” but I think I just need a hug. I’m always tired from work, and my boyfriend and I just split up recently which doesn’t help and it’s been one HELL of a nasty breakup. I never get a break from anything I’m just so tired all the time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushpa22
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushpa22

pushpa @pushpa22

Ik mate can understand ur situation… Bad things happen and it will eat ur energy make sure to never give up and enjoy those little moments u r happy… Be close to ur loved ones and if any issue plz ping me up always there for u 😇


See things are gonna happened but you have carry up yourself and try to focus on your school career why to fail in that are you serious or not what yourself and your career and breakup happened so what now the life is over for you is that??? And you are tried and all due to your overthinking on things so firstly just stop it and just to pick yourself up and focus on yourself and love your self up and if need any help then do connect


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