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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I have been married for 6 months now. I married to please my parents, because they were seriously stressed and losing sleep and health over my marriage. My husband is a good man. But I don’t love him. I work from home but he has to go to office. I enjoy my lone time home. When he comes back, my fav spot in home is bathroom. We have never went on any trips because of our jobs. I feel jealous of other newly marrieds enjoying their lives and going places. The only thing I look forward is sex. I feel like sex is the only thing that keeps me married. There is no thrill in my life and I watch a lot of porn. I dont like to go back to my home , nor I call my parents or my in laws. I started eating a lot, ordering lot of junks and got really fat after marriage. My husband and myself bodyshame each other and always blame each other for every thing. Even while having sex I think about how good other happy newly weds’ sex must be. I have no good friends nor I try to keep contact with anyone. I feel like im going deeper into a cave with no light or air. Im getting too confortable and sad at the same time. I dont know how I can pull myself out from this situation. I have completely lost any kind of motivation in my life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sigeronjourney
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Yes, he does not understand, he is a very practical person. Moreover, I just cannot push myself to make a better life for us both. I dont want to try hard to love him because I married him.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sigeronjourney


1. Start meditation for 10 min in the morning.
2. Once a week visit nearby poorest home ,family(or old peoples orphanage)

No , I won’t tell what you will get. But one week from today i will check your reply here.


In arrange marriage it is very normal… With time things will seem better. Don’t loose hope. I was also disinterested in my wife at start… but with time I kept giving my efforts even when I got nothing good in return. With time she started seeing my efforts and we both started bonded slowly… first thing you should do is help yourself. Stop junk food . Workout and meditate. Look good for yourself… talk to your old friends. And keep sharing here. Alone mind will assume lots of unreal situations… keep yourself busy… life is good. I always say one thing to my wife or anyone who feel sad. Be grateful that you have roof on your head, food in your stomach, clothes on your body… parents in our life… feel about this.


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