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I have been in a relationship since highschool and I screwed it all up just because I had feelings on a guy. We were on a break and I went on to the other guy and we flirted. I wanted to hook up with him but then before doing all that I told my ex that I flirted and let him talk to me that way. It broke him. Gave him anxiety and I just hate myself for doin that to him. I am unable to give the other guy up. And I’m unable to get over my ex. My ex wants me to block him but I can’t just do that. I hate myself for feeling this way. I am jus the most selfish. I don’t know wat to do. I really love my ex. He is the most perfect guy. I just have feelings for the other guy which would fade away. Idk I broke the trust. I don’t deserve him.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vishaal
2 replies

I hear u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vishaal

We accept the love we think we deserve :) Don’t beat yourself up too hard. Mistakes happen. Its human tendency. The important thing is that you didn’t lie to your boyfriend about the other guy and confessed to him. Reality is often disappointing and hard to grasp. His anxiety is feasible. Rebounds are quite common to happen when on a break. It either reinforces the feeling of wanting to be on a break or makes you realise that you actually want to be with him.
So, go on have a conversation with your man and assure him that whatever happened was wrong and that you love him. I’m sure he will understand. sit down and weigh the pros and cons
I hope you figure this out


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