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I have been in a relationship from 6 years Happily Very Proud and Happy in that, Since one year I was More focused to my career She Dumped me , now I don’t have any friends nor anyone to talk, I want to smile, I want to talk I feel anxious just remembering all those

2 replies

well;) if she dumped you because u were more focused on ur career, then I would say she was never the right girl for you! and as for smiling at those memories, it’s human is a social and emotional animal, they tend to witness overwhelming emotions some times, but as a matter of fact…u have to try n control u thinking of those memories, which might give u temporary pleasure, but will cause trauma in a long term because u r the one who has to live with those memories, not me not her, not anybody else! ONLY YOU CAN LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF😊

vishika @1403

see you should understand that she wasn’t the one
if she didn’t helped you building yourself then how would she ever take care of you
just let it go…it’s fine you’ll surely find someone who will live you at your worst and will be with you in ups and downs of life
and do use social media make friends hang out with them
give time to your family💓
and just try to let it go
ik it will take time but you can do it
thankyou for sharing your problem


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