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I have been going to college from last August but I am still struggling to make friends.
So what happened is that we had offline online hybrid online classes from september 2021. Due to personal reasons I could only go to college by the end of October. By the span of nearly 2 months, most people had already created their own friend groups. My roommate also arrived on the same day as me, so I thought maybe we could be friends. For the first 2 days she talked to me a bit… not alot…yet still I was fine with her. Then one fine day she decides she wants to go for clubbing with one of our mutual friends. I was not really interested, hence I decided not to go. She went out at 6 pm and finally reached at 11 pm. When she came back, I realized she didn’t go for clubbing as she had a lot of shopping bags with her. I felt a bit bad because she didn’t call me but then I decided to let go of it. But from that day onwards she started avoiding me. I didn’t know what to do. I knew a few other people in college but still I wasn’t close to anyone. I tried talking to other people but still I felt like intruding them. And then I got sick. This is the point when i felt most lonely. I didn’t feel like doing anything and just felt sad. I did recover within a few days but after this incidant I felt even more lonely. We had several functions in college such as fresher’s party and diwali celebrations where I just went alone. Loneliness hit more hard when I saw other people sitting and having fun. I really tried interacting with more people but I just felt likr intruding other’s friendship groups
This experience has left me permanently scarred and i just don’t even feel like interacting with anyone anymore. Sorry for the long paragraph. I know this story dounds a bit off…I wanted to dhare more incidants but I already feel like I have written alot.🙂

s not really interested so I saif

13 replies

Ignore the last line…it was by accident.


Also if anyone is free…wanna connect?


Heyy…idk what to say…I just feel weird after venting out all of this…haha😅😂


Yah sure

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Are you in the first semester currently?




You’ll have a ton of new opportunities to be friends with some as you progress. Please don’t let the experiences of just one semester define everything.


Ig that’s true…I just felt sad that’s why I vented it out here. Thank you for your time❣


I’m going through the same…my story is kinda similar as yours. I know how you may be feeling right now 😶


I know right…it feels better to know that many prople have gone through the same situation.

MiG @mig

Its easy just develop or showcase some skill set in from of others so that people gets attracted towards you. For example some play any instrument, editing skill, etc or try to excel in academics…


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