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I have been going through a rough time in my married life. My husband I have been seperated since 3 months and will be most probably heading for a divorce.
One of my friends, recently learner about the troubles I’ve been through and started expressing his care towards me. Whenever I tried to tell him how depressed or broken I am, he always tried to tell me how special I am.
We also had a moment and he has been flirting with me since then. I told him that all this doesn’t feel right, but he tries to convince me that o deserve my share of happiness.
He says he would be the happiest of things workout with my husband.
Because of my current mindset, I don’t know what I am doing is right or wrong.
I am sure that I am not going back my toxic married life, but I’m not sure about my friend.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

If you are SURE, there is no going back with your husband and you will rather be alone and later in life be married again but not be with him lifelong anymore, then even if you are flirting back there is nothing wrong. If you are unsure about your feeling for husband and maybe you could go back then don’t take a step ahead with your friend and he might feel bad too.

Take your time with your friend, let him try his bit but clear him that things can’t go smoothly as he wants because of the mindset you are in. You will take your time and it’s okay. Take things slow and if it FEELS RIGHT and you feel SAFE with him give it a try but be clear too.


If flirting with your friend or making out with him gives you guilt then don’t do it. If it is not a taboo for you or not a big deal, just go with whatever makes you happy. Life is not so long to not keep yourself happy. Keep your spirits high. If marriage didn’t work out, you need entertain anyone anymore.


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