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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I have been feeling a lot lately, I tried so many things to get rid of my past relationship which was my first ever relationship it quiet hurts a lot. I have been growing weaker and with the approaching exams and seeing him everyday makes me wanna hurt myself which i have been doing a lot but yet there seems no end to this. I seriously need some help. I can’t put my situation into words on a public display but i need help…

5 replies

See, what I can think you can do is write everything you feel about him, the love, anger, everything on a piece of paper and burn it. Do things that you like to do. Accept your feelings. It’s gonna be hard but all we can do is try. I believe in you. You can do it.


Just move on and know that he is not worth it and ur are love
Just concentrate and study
Every thing will be fine
And I love you .you got it girl



Phoenix @mdaarizamaan


Hello, may i ask why I MEAN WHY WOULD YOU HURT YOURSELF WHEN ITS ALREADY OVER. If you guys broke up then THEN WHY ARE YOU HURTING YOURSELF. I CAN ONLY THINK OF ONE REASON , DO YOU STILL LOVE HIM.! hey girl you gotta have some self esteem, pride,. From what you have said . What i think is you are not valuing yourself. What i mean value yourself just the same as you value other people. . I can only conclude. From what you have said. If i mis interpreted anything, i apologize. . If you are okay to elaborate a little more., I’ll be all ears.


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