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I have been asking some questions to myself for a long time, if I am wrong or right, I have an ex boyfriend, we are now friends been it’s only been for 1 month now that we are broken up, I fell like he has blamed me for a lot of stuff because I keep pulling his legs about it but I just fell like I just want him to see my point of view. I wonder who’s right between us both. I tell him to not give me hope for our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend but he told me that he was jealous that a guy might liked me and he said it wasn’t his fault that I have hope. And so, I wonder who’s right between us both. Is it my fault or his fault? And also, I force him to do thing’s with me which I know it isn’t good but I fell like if I don’t do that, we will not spend time with each other. It was like that when were dating, he was always doing what he wanted to do and I just wanted to spend time with him so I sometimes did something I didn’t want to do even though he never did that for me. I’m I wrong to see this like that or should he put more effort to spend time with me? Our relationship was also really hard because we were internet boyfriend girlfriend and my parents didn’t support our relationship because we were 12 years older in age

3 replies

Avni @avni

I think all relationships, specially romantic ones, are complex and have the capacity to be messy if not moulded with boundaries. Emotional enmeshment makes the boundaries and truth blurred. What i want to say is that maybe the relationship ran its course or maybe both of you are at fault, even if only one of you is conscious about it. Dont sweat about right or wrong. Learn the lessons and move on:)

No one 111 @jarul

I broke up with my ex boyfriend 2 years back and we’re still friends. We didn’t talk to eachother for like 4-5 months. I think you need that time and then open a dialogue for what went wrong. We still talk about it and the situations that transpired just because there’s that little bit of resentment still left and I feel better for clearing out a lot of things


Do you think he is still giving you hope and leading you on ?


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