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β€ΊEmotional Abuseβ€ΊThought


I have an emotionally and verbally abusive husband . We have lot of animosity between us . He is very controlling and disrepectul . He is also very untrusting and always doubts me . He is socially reclusive and awkward and a loner too. He has zero friends and is unable to form any friendships or value any relationship. He doesnot even want me to form any friendships and his unsocial nature makes him unpopular in any circle we move around in . Because of him , i also dont have much of a social circle and it is so isolating for me . He is not much of a companion or partner to me either . I feel so suffocated in this marriage .
He is not my equal in anything . Be it social nature, intelligence, emotional IQ , personality or smartness , i know that i am much better than him . But all my talents and qualities go down the drain because of the person i married. I really badly want out of this situation . I am financially dependent on him and i have a daughter to think of too.
I dont know what to do here. Anybody has any word of advice for me?

3 replies

Focus on being independent financially . Look for ways so that in future your daughter can be too.


There are a lot NGO’s you can seek help from. I don’t know much of them but you can find them online. They will help you in being financially stable too if you get rid of that man. I know it’s scary but you have to give it a try and contact the help line.


I am a law student and would love to help you with all my knowledge.
I think you should file for divorce because marriage shouldn’t be a compromise and where is love ? Affection? Nothing at all ?
Do you want your daughter to grow in such an environment ? No, right !?

You can also file for daughter’s custody and I think it will get in your hands
If you don’t have job
You can start with tuition class, dance classes whatever you think you can do
You can find love again and a better person to be with

I hope I could help you πŸ™ :)


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