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I have an aunty who constantly does this, she doesn’t exactly taunt but she puts me down, as a kid I went through a lot, since I was an only child, she used to constantly taunt me that I don’t have a sibling because I’m reckless, stubborn and I don’t deserve a sibling, as a 7 year old, I used to cry about it, sometimes for days at a stretch… it really made me feel that god didn’t give me a sibling cause I actually don’t deserve one, I felt bad about myself. Today, almost 12 years later, she still is the same, infact she has become more sweeter on the outside but she still tries to make me feel shit. She has a son who’s a year younger than me. She keeps bragging about him, constantly referring to me as someone who should work hard, and how prodigious her son is. she poisoned my own cousins(her kids) towards Me, and now we don’t have as close of a relationship.

Her son went to US to university, she bragged the shit out of that. Literally told my mom all about how hard he used to work and how intelligent he is. I love my cousin brother and yes he is hardworking, I love him, I always will, but I can’t stand her.

Recently I got into a uni in Australia, she couldn’t take it, tried to initiate a fight with my counsellor to ruin things,but Obv she can’t do anything … and now she’s acting Sweet with me, and asking for uni entrance exams preparation tips from me for her daughter, like bro, the jealousy.

She’s literally treated me like garbage all my life and now she wants be sweet af, man Some people really got no chill!

Rn, I’m sitting beside her,( we’re on a trip), still being the person I am, I’m nice, even though she’s acted shitty with me all her life. And I feel proud of how far I’ve come as a person, at one point her opinions used to affect me a lot, I’m proud of who I’m becoming

6 replies

So happy how far you’ve come. Ugh I hate that she treated you this way. You have so much patience ngl, idk how I would have stayed silent if someone kept saying shit to me. You need to teach me your secrets 😭😂


thank you, i appreciate it … I’m sure she doesn’t care about changing, but eventually you have to, especially when you keep doing it to the people you love. Hahah there is no secret, I just wanted to make sure no matter what she is doing I’m not rude to her, because that is going to be against my morals, and I would’ve felt bad, It’s simple, I was realising it today only, that she is always gonna be like that, but I think it doesn’t have any power over me anymore. Ikr it can be frustrating, but it’s good, atleast I know who she is, now I won’t be used by her for her own benefits anymore


Don’t lose hope and I think that life has already proven a lesson to you, that others’ opinions shouldn’t affect you. Stand strong and be the person who you are, you can handle it and it will be so easy later. You can see that being nice to someone who used to misbehave makes a legend of you
Anyone can face a lot of heartbreaking and hard problems in life, but we learn 😊


That’s the nicest thing, thank you for saying that, that was lovely 😊so true, you’ve gotta be you, and eventually I realised it too, no matter what you do, people are gonna say something, so it’s better to go with what your heart says, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I think somewhere we forget that we are here to experience life, which can be tough sometimes, but that doesn’t make it unworthy


I’m glad to read what I’ve read🥺 so beautiful and strengthening 😊😁


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