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I have a stammering issue… That is stopping me to reach next level in my career… I’m still working as a executive…even though i have best skills to fit for management positions but this problem is stopping me. I become nervous whenever I do ajy presentations or during discussions with multiple people.
With this problem I’m going into depression and couldn’t able to survive for long in the professional front.
I know how many times i have cried lonely sitting at one corner after meetings in office when people laugh silently on my stammering.

I used to be very positive but this is pulling me back personally and professionally

13 replies

just think no ones beside you while you are presenting something. imagine you are alone and no ones with you. try to avoid others bullying as much as possible


Hmm yeah same thing i was doing till jow but you know they deliberately disturb me in between the presentations by asking all the irrelevant questions. I feel nervous answering all the questions at that point i get very bad stammering


it might be because u r scared u might talk something bad. u have to trust yourself more to be confident . even if you talk something wrong before everyone , act as if nothing happened or apologise if its a big mistake. but never feel embarrassed of yourself for anything. embarrassment kills you even more


Thanks Mate for the positive words 🙏… I will continue to fight


good luck mate

Puja @meeehh

I’ll tell u something don’t let stammering pull u back but rather make it ur strength it’s stammering that makes u unique know and don’t feel bad or cry about it cuz u didn’t do anything wrong. Idk but i have a lot of ppl in really great positions with stamering and tbh i never saw that as a problem and about the ppl they always need one or the other thing to pull others down


Thanks Mate for the positive words🙏


You know what you can do it…if you have fear of speaking in front of people then try to practice it infront of mirror and tell your self that you can do it assume or pretend that ppl are listening to you, You can also ask your friends to help or family…and for the final thing I will say hold your opportunity and try…you be scared your voice will shake you might embarrass yourself at first but don’t let that effect you just tell yourself you’ll do great next time and carry-on and I believe that you’ll do great in future (the onlookers are also humans what’s there to be scared of just keep this in mind)


Thanks Mate…i have been in a practicing spree from years now but i will not stop that. I have been to many doctors they say it’s an psychological issue like anxiety… I have taken medicines too but that didn’t help me out. I will continue fight with positive spirit and i have accepted stammering is part of my life. There are so many individuals who supported me encouaged me but there are also people who are making fun of me…that remarks are hurting me a lot which i have to overcome that.

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I’m a probably decade younger than u and struggling with it since my kiddohood.

Just don’t let it bother u…u hv to become unfuckwithable with it. Just don’t give a fuck about what others thinking about u right now coz they already knows/have come to know that ura stutter.

And always put a smile in ur face, believe me, it helps. That’s the quickest way to get relaxed, and speak slowly.

It’s just the few mins of the presentation that you’ll face as the scariest moments, that will feel like endless, often you’ll want to stop everything and leave the room; weep in the washroom.

Trust me, no one will fucking care about how u performed. When they will judge you, they’ll keep the stammering out of the context and judge the real you having the real potential.

*Everything from my personal experiences.

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Great words brother… Thanks for the support


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