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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

I have a saying-

Women suffer from not being seen, and men suffer from not being heard.

There’s a lot of truth to it.

For Females, her highest agency is her PHYSICAL BEAUTY AND RADIANCE- hence they want to be seen and display it.

This is why women want attention.

They want to be appreciated, they want to feel beautiful- a simple compliment such as “you look beautiful right now” to your girl conveys - “I’m here and I see you and I like what I’m seeing”

For Men, our highest agency is what we’ve built and accomplished- hence we want to talk about it and be heard.

This is why we want to conquer lands, conquer women and spread our ideas.

This is why we want submissive, obedient women who listen and do as we say.

Learn Life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @annesha_roy
Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
16 replies

Maybe that’s why men re men and women re women … 🧙


But most women conquer man…😂🧞… It’s depend on u what u saw about man and women … Differ in region bebo🤪

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Make a woman think she conquers a man. And keep her happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @annesha_roy

Annesha R. @annesha_roy

I don’t agree with this at all. Women are not beauty driven in fact it is due to men that these illogical beauty standards are still paraded and accepted. Men have different needs as well. Moreover, please try not to have a gendered view of needs such as social acceptance and mutual respect for anyone out there!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

I really don’t care if you agree or not.


What are you doing


Get some work other than comparing men and women always. Literally all your posts are the same. Grow up and learn what is true rather than speaking things that do not make sense.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

:) ok


Makes sense🥲 As a girl, I don’t wanna accept this because of my intellectual/egoistic side but biologically this is the fact ever since pre historic age. In those pre historic times, men used to hunt down animals for food and women needed food as they couldn’t go for hunting… So men used to be providers and as an exchange women used to give the pleasure for man and bear his offsprings and raise those kids… Hence ever since then men became providers for the family and women used to bear children.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407

INFINITY @infinity0407

So ever since then biologically men became providers and women gives birth to his children and raise those kids. This continued even after the system of marriage was introduced. Even now it’s still there… If we observe our parents generation, men are providers and mostly women are housewives… Ever since those pre historic days, to attract or be desirable for women, men used to prove themselves as providers by achieving and hence even now men are achievement oriented because that’s their biological side. On the other hand, women ever since then, to make themselves desirable they have to be fertile… So as the time went on, women became beauty conscious as subconsciously men see her physical looks to guess the fertility of the women. So for men back then mating attraction strategy was by achievements. And for women the mating attraction strategy was based on her physical looks. Now we might say this happened in pre historic and the times have changed so things have changed… But honestly on a sub conscious level, these strategies are still same even now… Consciously we might deny these strategies but sub Consciously we do have these strategies

Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407

INFINITY @infinity0407

Even now most of the women out there choose their partners who are responsible and who are capable of providing. Where as men choose their partners based on looks to some extent… And ofcourse their personality matters a lot but we can’t deny the fact that they consider women’s looks. And so after girls reach a certain age, they start becoming so beauty Conscious… Now many females here might say we wear make up and dress well to make myself more confident and comfortable. Even I used to believe so and that’s true to some extent. Because Consciously we dress and apply make up with the intention that we want to be more confident about ourselves… I agree… But what makes us think that physical looks brings confidence?? It’s because of that prehistoric relationship agreement… Women are considered desirable based on her looks cause her physical looks were used to convey men if they are fertile or not. So this was passed down from one generation to another generation subconsciously… So even now women are beauty Conscious and men are achievement oriented…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407

INFINITY @infinity0407

And hence when a women praises a men of his accomplishments, he feels so happy and when a men praises a women of her beauty, a women feels so happy. And this is why men want to be the providers for the family and want to be dominant. Now again many people take the word ‘dominant’ as a very negative word… Dominant nature doesn’t mean beating your wife or shouting at your wife or using foul language at her. Men generally want to have dominance nature in a relationship which means they want to provide for you and take care of your needs, they want to be infront of you and protect you and they want to lead you by respecting you cause a relationship will be healthy when it’s like a team and team should obviously have a leader. So dominance nature of a man is that he wants to have that leadership quality in his relationship. And when a man wants to have this dominance nature in a relationship, he should be well aware of how to respect his wife and her choices and her thoughts and should be able to take a wise decisions for the well being of the family. And a submissive woman is a woman who accepts this dominance nature of the man with all due respect. So submissive isn’t a negative word either. Being a submissive woman doesn’t mean bearing the abusive nature of her husband or being silent… So ladies being a submissive wife isn’t a bad thing as long as the man is wise enough to know what is the true dominance nature of man… So when a man has a genuine dominance nature being submissive to such man is actually one of the wisest choice a woman can make 😄

Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407

INFINITY @infinity0407


Profile picture for Now&Me member @infinity0407

INFINITY @infinity0407

And please ignore grammatical mistakes like I used women in place woman and messed up some some pronouns… Kindly ignore those

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

👏 appreciate your efforts and knowledge.


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