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3am ThoughtsThought


I have a regret till date. I unfollowed someone I liked the most and that too almost a year ago because of non-reciprocity and now I regret it to my core. I miss her and I shouldn’t have unfollowed her. I did that thinking I’ll get over her and behave like how I behave with others but couldn’t. I wish we go back to how we were but that’s never gonna happen mostly

3 replies

I did the same thing with him. But we’re talking again cause we couldn’t stop, it was hurting both of us. Have you tried to talk about it with her? Tell her how you feel, even if it can’t go back to the way it was at least she can be in your life again.


I don’t feel she wants to or she feels the same otherwise she would have tried knowing atleast. It was my fault to some extent also because of which I’m here


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