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I have a question for everyone
There are some people who have a great sense understanding of things but struggle to succeed yet on the other side some individuals are just carefree and not that understanding still manage to be so successful?
Well not everyone is on the same boat, but happens a lot
Why ? Is it just a matter of confidence?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @alishbah
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @alishbah

Alishbah @alishbah

Some people are born smart and lucky while others have to work hard. But success do comes with hardwork and luck. If you have even one, you will be successful not now but definitely.


Recently I heard someone say that we’re all in the same storm but we’re all not in the same boat. People who appeared understanding and sorted might actually be going thru something which they don’t show. Right now wid social media all around us it’s very difficult to differentiate between what’s tru and what’s not. Or maybe till what extent is something true. Maybe the carefree ppl are not as successful as they show or the understanding ppl are a lot more successful than they do. But at times luck plays a role too. There are so many factors that contribute to someones success.Also bcs u asked, confidence can play a role in success but I don’t think it’s just abt that.


Totally agree but in relation to confidence I feel
That they have the courage to take risks without caring much about the surrounding whereas some people with great understanding don’t have the courage to take a decision because they always think of the consequences.

This is what I feel. These
Kind of thoughts always run in my mind


Yaa sure. That has a role in the success. But just bcs someone takes a risk doesn’t automatically mean they’ll succeed. Doesn’t mean u don’t have to try anything. See what I’m trying to say is work according to your potential. Give the best YOU can. That’s what’s important.


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