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I have a problem, im on my extroverted era but i’m doing online university and all my friends are away for collage. I don’t have any place i have to go to but i still want to make friends and have a social life. Any tips for making friends randomly on your daily life? lol

15 replies

Just stay active in classes and in your group chats cause its online you can’t really reach out people as we do in normal life


but we don’t have classes tho, it’s an online university where u study by yourself :/


Hmm lmao its kinda hard tbh idk try helping people out in discussion forums or something idrk how your online uni thing works but hope you get it…else you can just join some classes you are interested in like some hobby or smthg


i don’t think that would work, everyone who studies here are older people than me with families and full time jobs that don’t have time to go to an in person uni so that’s why they’re here. But the joining other extra activities does make sense, thank you!! maybe i should do that. The only problem is that it’s expensive lol but maybe i could look into something idk


I also tried just making friends on the streets, ever since i died my hair and decided to dress better i’ve been complimented for my style on the streets by random strangers but that’s about it, i can’t seem to make friends like that:/ should i try to approach random people or is that weird?


Are you enrolled in Andrew tates course 😂 kidding, yes ig it’s an expensive shot… There’s an alternative though…join an ngo (I am gonna do that for some other reasons so lol) but yea you meet a lot of new people out there also you can go to public libraries (it’s not a bad idea lol)


bro if people like your style that’s really a good start already right? just go on with it maybe hit them back with a compliment? idk tbh but if people are approaching you first it can be easy ig


yes i guess, idk i’m kind of awkward and not good at complementing people but maybe i should try, usually i just smile and say thank you but never try saying anything bad cuz i’m kind of shy. I’ll try doing that more. thank you sm for the advice haha


lol no, i was also thinking going to libraries. I’ll probably start going next week since i have finals coming up soon.


Use it for your advantage…start complementing them and maybe one thing leads to another and you never know also just a small tip don’t make friends randomly from a street cause you never know what you’re heading into (just be cautious lol)


Yes, library is actually a good idea(rather than street lmao), Goodluck for the finals!


Yoo samee i also like to make new frnds , you don’t have online frnds ?


yes i do, i have both online and irl friends lol the problem is they’re all far away and i can’t see them bc they’re busy with college and i’m doing online school. That’s my problem i need to make irl friends that live in my town and are free to hang out :(


Ohhhh sad lifee yrrr what to do if you do now 🥺🤔


I have a few ideas.

You can try talking to people on Facebook groups. A lot of groups are based on city/state. You might be able to find some people your age in groups related to your hobbies or college. The “I’m high and this is…” groups probably have a lot of young people too. Nextdoor might be able to help too, it’s like Facebook but you can only interact with people within so many miles of you.

I know some people who made friends on discord, finding someone who lives nearby is hard tho.

There are a lot of events made for singles and a lot of them welcome people who are looking for friends. I used to get a lot of ads for an app that arranged group outings and random people from the app would reserve a spot in the group.

If u have money to spare, you can join one of those group vacations made up of random people. Those are really expensive tho


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