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Mood DisorderThought


I have a older brother, he is bitch dog everything, bcos he used to beat me when i dont say yes in his work, and blame me, do argument, threat me for everything, he is toxic for me from childhood life, i m living in that type of family, where he handles my life🤣🤣.

6 replies

aiyyo hw ru yr parents do they allow him such stuff to do wid you?




Kind of relatable. Even I have an older brother.
1. He imposes his decisions on how should I live my life and what I should do with my life on me. I don’t give a damn about him and his screwed opinions.
2. When I was 3 I accidentally took his drawing book thinking it to be a rough notebook. He was beating me badly in front of my mom and she didn’t do anything.
3. When I was in 5th grade he slapped me so hard that my ear drum was damaged. I didn’t do anything he just took out his frustration on me. My mother didn’t tell him anything. According to her he was a child and he didn’t understand. Well he was 21 year old college going adult and definitely not suffering from mental retardation.
4. Few months ago he took us for a road trip and he was mad that I didn’t learn driving and he had to drive on his own. He started hurling abuses and started physically attacking me. I attacked him back.

These are few incidents which happened with me. Well not to mention that he constantly reminds me what a failure and waste of space I’m. I’m at that point of my life where I don’t expect any kind of emotional support for my parents and if anyone tries to bring me down I fight back cause I’m not going to take shit from anyone.

I would advice you to stop expecting any kind of support and become financially independent. Only way out from the hell you are going through. No one has the right to decide how you are going to live your life. If he tries to be verbally aggressive just walk away from that place or think about something else while he is ranting. Don’t let the rants go inside your head. Think about anything like lyrics of songs and sing them in your mind.


By reading your comment, k got emotional and eyes got wet,can we talk more abt this, bcos my life is getting worse more and more


Or can we talk anywere else if u want, if u say


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