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Chanakya @chanakya2706

I have a most c**tiya friend in my PG… he’s very self obsessed… at first I was like okay he raps and speaks foreign languages but he’s a head-weight… if we start a conversation he’ll be like oh when I was here I used to do this I used to do that… I,I,I,…He thinks nobody in the pg knows anything about this world… this man used to bitch about his colleagues all day and be roaming with them at night 🤦🏻‍♂️
So fed up with this person… he’s 6yrs older than me otherwise I would have told him "Abey chup hoja bsdk… glad that I’m able to remove my frustrations here … was feeling kinda lonely…

4 replies

Why talk to him ,if he is so annoying?

Chanakya @chanakya2706

Just trying to be good…



Chanakya @chanakya2706

Hey… who’s this?


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