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I have a lot of close friends but at times like now i feel like running away , talking to someone who wouldn’t judge me for being an overthinker and over emotional person . My friends would love to talk to me abt stuffs , but somebody close to me recently said to me that my loved ones do ridiculous stuffs for me just because i like them nd they aint interested at all . I dnt want sympathy or care right now , i just want someone to understand me , not to care or teach me . I know i am too emotional , i would cry on stuffs that students of my age would simply ignore . I thought once i would grow up i would understand nd would be able to let go of stuffs , but even now i understand the reasons and everything but i cant help being sad about it . I don’t know how to help myself . Its hard to explain that i am not childish …

2 replies

I totally get it. Wanting to be someone else, somewhere else. Wanting to have a fresh start because you can’t heal in the place which broke you.
People hear us but they don’t listen and hearing them say that it’s all in our heads makes it so much worse. I can’t hold it in because it makes my head burst and I can’t live with people judging me when I tell them what’s wrong. It’s a never-ending dilemma isn’t it ?


Yeahh , its like either they console or try to sympathize but its not good because i know they might be judging me for crying and worrying so much about everything … Do you also feel that you are just too emotional and that it creates problems for you ??


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