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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Judi Ahmed @dodo2004

I have a huge problem with my parents. I am almost 18 years old. My parents,however, keep treating me like a 5 year old. They never give me the chance to express my feelings. They always shout for no reason. I never get to choose what I really want. I never felt their love for me. They never make me choose what I want to wear. They style me according to what they love even if I hate it. Because of the way they treat me, I always keep wishing death before going to bed. I hate my life and wish it would end soon.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kaneki207
Profile picture for Now&Me member @razor506
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kaneki207

Problems occur in life that doesn’t mean ki u need to be dead

Judi Ahmed @dodo2004

I just wish to be free for once and that never happens

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Judi Ahmed @dodo2004

They show me their love in a wrong way. I wish they do it the right way

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Judi Ahmed @dodo2004

Thanks again. I will try

Profile picture for Now&Me member @razor506

Razor506 @razor506

This will change when you start going to college or when you leave home. That time you’ll actually end up missing your parents. Till then just go with the flow.

Judi Ahmed @dodo2004

Hope so

Profile picture for Now&Me member @razor506

Razor506 @razor506

It’ll get better. In the eyes of your parents or any parent who is loving you’ll always end up being a 5 year old.


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