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sweet girl @kirtii

I have a frnds group past 5 yrsโ€ฆ Recently I needed their help when I was caught lying to my mom that I m with a male frnd. I asked my frnds to say I was with them bcos things could really mess a lot if my mom knew I was lying. They refused to help n insted called my mom n said everything I have made up to lieโ€ฆ So are these true friends??? (as they didnโ€™t help me lying?)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006

I mean its just a lie that too an unharmful.
Itโ€™s not like you did something bad.
They should have helped you.

sweet girl @kirtii


Atleast they might have helped once at that moment โ€ฆ Then they would have scold or made me understand things if I was wrong

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006

Is ot because they do not like the guy you were with? Chances are they were trying to protect youโ€ฆ
but still could have protected you from your moms scolding and then made you understand like you said.
Maybe you should talk to them about this ki why they did this.

sweet girl @kirtii


Maybeโ€ฆi wish to sort things but scared to trust them again that they will be there to help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006

Well itโ€™s your decision tbh you know them since 5 years itโ€™s for you to decide whether you can trust them or not.
All I can say it consider everything to rethink your trust on the friendship not just this incident?
Idk whatever I said helps but take care.

sweet girl @kirtii


It helped and made me think again before taking a decisionโ€ฆ Thanks. You Take care as well


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