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I have a friend we have been talking for a while now he many times In day say I love you and he wrote me a paragraph saying your ex doesn’t deserve u u deserve someone who truly loves and and then he later on said I love you a lot and I will do anything for you fr and uk I have attachment issues but I know u are really sweet and u will never leave me .I am grateful for you in my life we literally have the same vibe you are so cute and yes u are only my cutu .He texts me goodmorning everyday and we talk the whole day legit.I don’t understand does he like me as a normal friend or more than that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gagandeep_kaur
Profile picture for Now&Me member @deepsss
13 replies

He likes u as a friend. He’s not attracted to u , but he wants u to be head over heels for him because u feed his ego , make him feel good etc. so he finds u cute . He can and never will be attracted to u . He can potentially use u . Make sure u make the friendship boundaries clear


Also he helps me during my exams and also came home to teach me some stuff and always text me before I go for my exam and stuff like I have faith and we hung out couple of times.


He’s using u for the emotional boost trust me .


In that case what should I do


Brother zone him . Be like u are my cute little baby brother



Skincare @kind_ocean_2

Happened same with me… But turned out to be something else… If u cud connect message me can explain


I sent you a connection request

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide

Raza Khan @thegentleguide

It’s clear he loves you but honestly I don’t find him real. It’s just my opinion and he might be a true person but you need to gauge. All I will say is take one step at a time.


What should I do then

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide

Raza Khan @thegentleguide

Take one step at a time. Don’t listen to me or anyone but your heart.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deepsss

Sagittarius @deepsss

Okay thankyou

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gagandeep_kaur

Gagandeep K. @gagandeep_ka...

Hope you’re doing well

I’m just assuming here as to the way you have mentioned the situation that you’re confused because of the sweet talk and you’re confused as to should you invest in this person emotionally or not (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)

•your classmate needed a pencil and because you have that with you, you gave it to him.
•Now, your classmate needs an eraser and asks you because you only is the one who gave him the pencil. So you have an eraser too.
•you classmate might ask you for sharpener too just in case he broke the lead of the pencil.

People who have attachment issues (and are not ready to work on them instead just want an easy solution by following another person too much) will automatically feel attracted to the ones who are fulfilling their past issue (or absence of a bond that they might have faced in the past).

Not that I’m saying to stay away with every person who has attachment issues. But choose wisely and don’t ignore the signs.

If you want to Connect, you can reach out to me as I’m a practicing Counselling Psychologist


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