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3am ThoughtsThought


I have a friend in another department, and i have a crush on her since past two years , i really like her , and she always like we are just bestfriend , she always reminds me this when we are having good conversation like thankyou for being in my life. And when she hangs out with another friend (male) from her department it feels worst may be because jeoulosy , i do believe everyone has his or her personal life , but this is bothering me everytime when i see her with another boys , what should i do… What should be my mentality, how should I overcome it …help !

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chandraa242627
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chandraa242627

chandraa242627 @chandraa24...




Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04

Saurav Kumar @saurav04

Go for someone else!
Accept her as a friend and nothing more.

Ark_CEO @ark_india

Dont speak to her for next 2 week she will came and ask you hype you are speaking me (you should speak to everyone in the class laugh in front of her if she cames to you, you should ignore him) and if she ask you why you did not speak to me and just say it’s broken ♥ she will came to you

Ark_CEO @ark_india

Sorry for that hype means why


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