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I have a friend group and we’ve been friends since childhood. My bestfriend from that group is a very beautiful human, she comforts me a lot and helps me through things, i genuinely love her company and adore her. She has been my only support system. So a few days ago, one friend from the same group started a rumour of sorts telling a few people that my bestfriend and i are dating, I’m a female btw and i identify as heterosexual, my bestfriend is also female and identifies heterosexual. Despite knowing this, this friend "mocked"us and told a bunch of people we’re dating. People started assuming I’m bisexual. Because of this rumour or whatever my bestfriend also distanced me from her, because people started calling us bisexuals, and we are not romantically involved, which they don’t understand and instead take my genuine love for her as romantic love. People think I’m bisexual and make faces, saying I never date the opposite gender. Me and my bestfriend have distanced because of this and it sucks because I don’t have anyone to talk to now. People just blatantly assuming my sexuality and putting names, saying I’m dating my bestfriend, my god it is terrible. My bestfriend is a fun loving person, she is loving with many people around her, that doesn’t mean she romantically loves girls. It sucks because of such stupid assumptions, I’ve lost my bestfriend.

started calling us bisexual

7 replies

Damn that really sucks: (
You really should straighten up whoever staryed mocking you.
Fr so many people go unpunished it’s annoying and anger inducing


i know right, even when I try to tell people and confront whenever they assume my sexuality, they just go saying β€œoh you’ve never dated guys, so you might be lesbian or bisexual”, no wonder no guy has dated you, maybe you’re not heterosexual, like fr stop assuming my sexuality, i will date whenever I want they just don’t get it and it piles up and explodes inside me


Yeah hate that, some of my batchmates started a gay joke about me and another guy I was friends with because we spent time doing club work together it was just annoying and tiring.
I just told those people to fu** off about the joke and a pretty serious angry speech which i dont really remember now and they stopped after that


oh that sucks, thank you so much for your reply tho, it helps a lot


You’re welcome^^
Hope things sort out for you

anonymous bb @hazel17


Hope everything gets sorted .People need to understand friendships like dude not everything is romantic .Loving your friends do not mean that it is romantic


exactly, i hope everything turns out to be better soon :( I’m so tired


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