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I have a crush on a boy. I really love the way he talks to me. I am attracted to his behaviour towards me. We were having a close relation just as friends since a week or so. Yesterday he told that he loves me. I was both happy and sad. I am scared of relationships and commitments. It was only yesterday that I came to know that we both are of different religions. I do want to keep a relation with him but I know we both can’t have a future together. Right now the only problem I feel is that we are of different religions and that is really a big thing. I feel like he is a genuine boy but I am not 100% sure if whatever he told me is true or not. I have lots of trust issues. He might fake his love and care. My heart keeps telling me to keep a relation with him but my brain always denies.

13 replies

be inclusive of all people . religion will not matter if you are really interested in him. try to look beyond societal norms after all society has only set in our minds that different religion seperate people. but the call is yours. all the best


He may feel in love because if he in other aspects in his life is not satisfies he may want to take the hormones of happinies from only one source which is you.Be careful.This may look great in begining but after he may become possesive,gelous and so on.i dont know how old is he …but you have to be careful with this…Many abusers start the relationship by being amazing lovely and after the hormones are decreasing and the real face is another one…he may be attracted to you but you have to be careful also…take care;)


Thanks a lot. Yes I feel like your assumption is correct. He did tell me that he feels lonely most of the time and thats why he likes to spend more time with me. I am 18 and he’s 20.

Take care :)


You seem young, and in love, which is a stupid combination, I’m saying this by experience.
If you are under 18, don’t be too serious in relationships, respect your partner but don’t get too emotionally dependent.
It would be best to staying friends and getting to know him more deeply in your case.
You see, you and your beliefs will change with time, you will see the world a little differently once you grow up.
I would suggest you to be single, and romanticize YOUR life instead. This might sound cliche, but you will hace alot of time for relationships later on.

And just in case you were wondering, I’m 20 years old and a women.
As a elder sister (or younger if that is the case), stay single, be friends if you want but your 20’s are too precious to waste on someone else.
Find yourself, make a place for you (and your future loved one) in this world, and taking the risk of sounding too cheesy; learn and run your kingdom instead of waiting for a prince charming to come on a white horse.

Hope it will help.


Thanks a lot for your guidance, I am 18. I really loved your last line.

Kanak @ana02

Hope it will help??😂


Yes, honestly my confusion is a lot clear now. I feel like its just an attraction from both the sides. I am not going to be emotionally dependent on him and we aren’t in any kind of serious relationship. I had told him just to friends for now. Going to do self discovery first.

Thank you :)


So glad I could be of help.
All the best for your life.


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