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I have a boyfrnd with whom I have been together for almost 2 years now and we are kinda planning to proceed to the next step i.e marriage …but I feel sacred to tell my parents coz he is not that well off when compared to me… my parents are well educated and well settled when compared to his… that is actually not a problem for me as I don’t need someone who can support me financially but someone whom I know will stay with me no matter what and i have found that in him…but my parents might find this as an issue…what should I do?

11 replies

Hey ! This might not sound bit right but i think you should drop it as you have been living a particular lifestyle with your parents n leaving all that behind for someone n adjusting is gooding to be hard … i have had my two cousin sisters who did the same but now are dependent on their parents even for some basic needs which i think is wrong because , parents are also getting old they too need their savings … n i know that love is great n it conquers all but financial needs are important they can’t be ignored. Money is not important but it affects everything else that is important be it food , education and health, the 3 most basic . Your parents can definitely find someone who is good for you.


Hey, I understand what you say but u see i can earn to look after him, my parents and if needed his parents also…i know I can do that ok? I’m 100% sure about that… if my parents need support anytime in their life I’ll be there for them…and there is something else too…he also earns enough to look after me but the thing is that might not be upto the mark for my parents…that is the problem yaar😐

Sanket @sanket

You should really consider all the aspects, financial independence is not the only one.
Moreover you can first work on your partner, make him more presentable and eligible, more progressive and then think about the next step




Perhaps this question might sound rude to you but , has he grown financially stronger than he was two years back ?


Yaa he has…why ask?


Its not how much he earns that matters (provided he could support himself on his own )but rather whether he had that desire to grow on his own.
Im skeptical at times. If you both together can support each other and both of your families, i dont think theres any issue. Give some time to your relationahip while simultaneously guessing your parents mood . Remember, you dont just marry your partner, you marry his own whole family and same applies to him . You can give it some time




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