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I have a boyfriend but I am attracted to another guy… Today I told my boyfriend everything… and its not just the guy about whom I told him… I told him about everything i did in the past one year… I cried alot and so did he… My heart feels free of guilt but it costed me my relationship… He broke-up with him… and i understand that but I lost a good guy today… I am such a horrible person…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen
19 replies

Moonlight @hopping_sun

Its okay dude…we all change with time!
What we can do is keeping all the good memories to our heart and leave the bittersweet past in the past and move on!
More power to you!✨❤️
It’s gonna be alright soon^^

s @phebeeee

It’s okey dude. We will feel rock in our heart we feel it’s irreplaceable. But ultimate solution for all is time it will heal u. Be patient love



Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

Hey I understand that this whole thing is tough for you but what you did was right…I hope you didn’t cheat on him and told him everything before it was too late…I hope you heal from this…and most important he heals from this… because trust me he is the one who got more hurt here… please don’t cry.


I didn’t cheat on him… I know he is the one who is hurt more and thats what making me sad… I did this to him is what making me sad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

You don’t have too…it’s life it’s not fair always…


Woww😮😮😮, u are powerful 👏 💫

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen

Ileen @ileen

That’s why people says don’t take some temporary feelings so serious


Hey, How are you doing now? and How is life in large?


Hey, How are you doing now? and How is life in large?


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